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May is Women's Health Month

*|MC_PREVIEW_TEXT|* Celebrating You, Every year in May we celebrate Women’s Health Month, which helps raise awareness about the unique health needs of women. Over the course of a woman's life, nutritional needs change. During pregnancy, for example, a woman may require additional B vitamins and iron. However, after menopause, women typically require less iron and more calcium and vitamin D.  To celebrate Women's Health Month, I’m offering you a discount of 5% on all of your orders through my Fullscript dispensary , so making your health a priority is easier than ever. Below is some useful information about top recommended supplements for women's health, including popular products from my dispensary . Vitamin D Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin involved in many body functions, including calcium absorption, bone formation, hormone regulation, brain...
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Sound Healing

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What does anxiety, arthritis, blood pressure, asthma, inflammation, digestive issues and nervous issues all have in common?

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New Online Store

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CoQ10 is not just for the faint of heart...

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