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I’m not a Naturopath!

I’m not a Naturopath!  I’m a Doctor of Natural Medicine with several decades of education and experience that I share with my clients.

As a doctor of natural medicine and integrative medical doctor I do not diagnose or treat disease.  To do so would be to focus on symptoms and disease.  We are not defined by our symptoms or our disease.  Disease is just dis-ease in the body.  In laments terms, there is a breakdown or an imbalance somewhere in our mind, body and spirit. 
How did the symptoms or disease come about?  Well it’s based on what is happening not just physically, but emotionally and spiritually too.  Knowing this we can take a holistic approach to bringing balance of mind, body and spirit into one’s life.  Notice how I said ‘we’?  It’s not me doing this it’s me helping you, to guide you in your own healing.  This is a lifestyle change!  There is no quick fix, only a path to balance.   With this in mind I focus on integrative and natural approaches to overall health and well-being.

This approach is designed for everyone whether you have symptoms, dis-ease or going through treatments of any kind as it works as an integrative approach to everyday lifestyle.  It’s a commitment to a lifestyle changes on a journey to overall health and well-being.

Be Well… Stay Well!
Dr. Jamie Lee, MA, RMT, DNM, IMD

Natural Lee
1353 Gold Star Hwy
2nd Floor
Groton, CT 06340

*For those who are not local to the area, I work with people distantly through email, phone, and video as well.

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