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Showing posts from December, 2012


Have you wondered or wanted a simple explanation of Reiki, or have you wanted to learn and use Reiki for yourself and others? Reiki ("ray-key") is an ancient system of natural healing. In Japanese, Reiki means Universal Life Energy, and this system is used to transmit energy through the hands. Gentle and non-invasive, Reiki is a simple, natural means to relieve stress and promote balance, harmony and wellness. First Degree introduces you to hands-on-healing, the history of Reiki, and the energy centers of the body. Learn how to give a Reiki treatment to yourself, others, and your animal friends. Cost: $150 (inlcudes materials) Register and Pay by 1/1/13 and receive $25 off Registration Required: Class Location: NL Healing Arts Center 165 State Street, Suite 415 New London, CT 06320 *For more information checkout the website at

Embracing the New Era

Getting ready for the shift of 12/21/12 and the New Year of 2013.  The shift will be gradual and delightful if you are willing to embrace it.  Here are a few tips gathered from other sources on how you can get ready, embrace it and ride the wave into a new era of your life: 1. Release the old things that no longer serve you. This can be from people to the clutter in your home. If it is people, bless them and release them. If it is old ideas and fears, dissolve them. 2. Make sure you are crystal clear on what you want your new life to be. 3. Embrace change. It’s a journey, not a destination. And when you take control of the change you ride it like a seasoned surfer, rather than get caught in it like a helpless victim of circumstances. Radical change can feel like a giant elephant just walked into the room—completely overwhelming. So even with radical change, the key is to take it one step at a time! 4. Have a daily spiritual practice. It does not matter what you do, wha...

The Healing Benefits of Flower Essences

Plants have been used for their healing properties for over 3,000 years. Herbs are used as teas, tinctures and salves, some plants are used for their healing properties from their oils topically or even ingested. Sometimes pulp or sap is taken straight from the plant such as Aloe to address various skin issues, such as burns. Flower Essences was pioneered by Dr. Bach back in the 1930’s, which later became known as Bach Remedies. Dr. Bach was born in 1886 and studied medicine and it was in the early 1900’s where he became more involved with homeopathic and alternative medicine after serving as a medical officer in WWI. Flower Essences falls under vibrational medicine, similar to other practices, for example Reiki, Aromatherapy, Qigong, and Chromo-therapy (color and light) to name a few. The basic premise is that these practices as well as others believe that all matter and energy in the universe vibrate at their own particular frequencies. It is believed that disease cannot exist i...

Solstice Celebration

Solstice 2012:    Moving into a deeper relationship with 'Light'! Please join us for a traditional Andean ceremony and ritual honoring the return of the Light on Saturday 12/22/12. Welcoming the return of the Sun or Light is one of Four major annual events amongst the Goddess, Earthkeeper and ancient Medicine traditions. This solstice is a solar initiation and sacred sites are found through the world to focus and enhance this initiation. We will have a discussion concerning Solstice, it’s relevance now and for our becoming. We will then move into Ceremony and Celebration. This year is particularly powerful due to the Galactic alignment as foreseen by the Mayas so long ago. This alignment occurs approximately every 26,000 years, as we pass the black hole in the Center of the Galaxy and move into spiraling through the other side. The cost for this event is FREE - we do welcome donations to the center to help us in the coming year! RSVP at ...