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How Craniosacral Can Help You!

What is Craniosacral Therapy (by Marcia Calisman)

It is a gentle and effective energy healing approach that focuses on enhancing and encouraging the inherit body's one self healing and self regulation.The work is an art of listening to the subtle rhythms in the core of the body and releasing any old pattern of resistance hold especially in the nervous system , tissues, bones and fluids. The Craniosacral Rhythm expresses the fundamental life movement and carries the blue print of health and well-being.

Benefits of Craniosacral Therapy:

Improve all aspects of life , facilitates healing in a deep level awakening the cellular memories and remembering who you are. Every session is organic and unique, facilitating connection to source of health , feeling of empowerment , increasing counciousness and a sense of spiritual well-being relieves any kind of physical and emotional pain, chronic diseases, stress and anxiety reduction, trauma resolution( physical, emotional, from birth), balance of hormones, immune and neurological function, increase level of energy, prepares for labor/ birth and postpartum,mamas-baby birth traumas, learning disabilities, autism , cerabral palsy, down syndrome and more . For all ages from newborns to the elderly.

Find out more about our practitioners who use this therapy at the NL Healing Arts Center.

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