There is so much more to CoQ10 that a whole chapter of a book could be dedicated to this powerful co-enzyme. For my post and informational purposes, I will try to hit the highlights without going too much into the science and just stick with what you really may be interested in knowing. CoQ10 is a co-enzyme naturally produced by the body. The ‘Q10’ refers to the chemical compound that makes up the co-enzyme. It is used to produce energy in the body to grow and be healthy. The antioxidant property protects cells from harmful free radicals and helps to build the immune system. However, as a person gets older, the levels produced by the body begin to decline, this decline can also occur in those with Vitamin B6 deficiency. CoQ10 role and benefits as an anti-cancer agent were discovered over 50 years ago. Numerous studies have been conducted around its use against cancer. It was determined that patients with cancers in the ...
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